Sunday, March 17, 2013


So... It's finally 2013 and I'm still alive... the last summer I did not do shit.. well.. dats not the point.. the point is, I realized i should just keep blogging and stuff.. who knows it might actually be helpful for my rationale writtings or sum sht lik dat.. :X alright.. so based on my zodiac, dis year supposed to be pretty good for rooster ppl.. and i too believe it.. but somehow i just felt lik sumthin's missing.. as if im sort of afraid/bored and I cant really figure out wat is it.. the good news is I've finally got into a chinese theatre club in melb uni as the editor there.. well, the ONLY editor i supposed.. and wat the club members said to me wen finding out im the new editor was >> " wowww, being an editor is real hard and u gonna hav loads of works to do!!" << and i do believe it.. so.. *fingers crossed* //////////////////////////////////////////////// Anyway, the first thing i learned in this year is dat.. well.. as usuall.. One should always be open-minded whther to urself or other people.. In contrast.. People are not always like what we think they are, or what they say make them what they are.. people lie, pretend and stuff.. not even with the reason to be understood by other people nor themselves... which is really complicated for me to trust others.. So I guess I should just keep calm and .. owhh well.. *fingers crossed* Hope this is gonna be a good year ahead :3 <3

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